Mental Health at Workplace

Mental health is essential to overall well-being, and it is becoming more common for employees to experience stress, burnout, depression, and substance abuse in today’s fast-paced and stressful work environment. Not to mention the anxiety brought about by the pandemic this leads to poor adaptation to the new norm resulting in work-life imbalance. Keeping those unchecked can lead to serious consequences for both the affected employees and the company as a whole. These consequences can include decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, negative workplace culture, and higher health care costs.

To create a healthy and positive work environment, it is important for organizations to address these mental health concerns proactively. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the prevalence of mental disorders in our country is approximately 15%. However, mental health services are limited, and many individuals with mental health issues do not receive treatment, often due to lack of resources and the stigma associated with addressing mental health concerns. The WHO estimates that about 70% of people with mental disorders in the Philippines do not receive treatment.

As mental health advocates it is our responsibility to reach out to those in need. Providing mental health services to employees is essential and a great avenue to protect the well-being and productivity of both the individual employees and the company as a whole. By addressing mental health and offering support, companies can create a healthier and more positive work environment for all.

In the January 6, 2023 article of the newspaper The Philippine Star, 60% of the employees in the Philippines have engaged in “Quiet Quitting”. Reasons are due to the low salary they receive and lack of opportunities in the company at 51% while 49% are due to protecting one’s mental health. On a regional scale, 48% is credited to taking care of mental health, 42% is due to prioritizing work life balance while 40% is due to low pay or lack of opportunities to advance in the organization.

Transform Your Workplace with Tailored Mental Health Solutions

Prioritizing mental health in the workplace has never been more important, and we’re here to help. By filling out our inquiry form, you’ll receive bespoke packages designed specifically for your organization’s needs. Whether it’s workshops, training, or counseling sessions, we’ll work with you to create a comprehensive mental health plan that supports the wellbeing of your employees. Take the first step towards a happier, healthier workplace today.

Workplace Mental Health Inquiry Form



Mental Health at Workplace

Tell us the needs of your company when it comes to providing mental health care and programs for the employees from single Mental Health and Well-being Workshop, Seminar, and Training to Workplace Mental Health and Well-being Continuum of Care packages.

Our WeHelp Mental Health at Workplace Programs includes the following:

    Employee Assistance Program

    Mental Health and Well-being Coaching

    Counseling and Psychotherapy


    Mental Health at Workplace Policy and Program Consultancy

    Mental Health and Well-being Workshop, Seminar, and Training

    Team and Capacity Building

    You can avail one of the above services, but if you like an extensive mental health and well-being support to your company and employees you can email us at or give us a call +63 966 894 2738

    Our WeHelp Packages

    WeHelp Package 1

    1 year contract, with retainers fee, total fee depends on the number of subscribed employees.

    WeHelp Package 2

    By points, specific rate per point, a minimum of 30 points per year, 1-year contract, additional points may be added within the contract. 

    Customize your own WeHelp Package

    We are delighted to introduce and discuss this package with you; for more information and inclusions, please submit us an enquiry using our Workplace Mental Health enquiry form or contact us at 0966 894 2738; alternatively, you can send us an email at

    Whenever things feel dark,
    we are here to help you find Light.
    Call us now at 09178542236